Hello world!

Well here goes- my first post of redefined my gap year!  I’m not starting with many expectations of what this will be other than a journey of discovery.  I’m not even sure at this point what the discoveries will be or where they will lead.

I am what most people would call a classic type A, over achieving, micro-managing control freak. It has served me very well in my 29 year career in Petrochemicals.  I am a mechanical engineer who worked my way up through the organization to an executive level role. I loved my career- until I didn’t the last year before I retired.

I am a daughter, a sister, a wife, a mother, a grandmother, a niece, an aunt, a friend, a coach and mentor, divorced, remarried, 51, 5′-7″, own a farm, love to garden, play with photography, party planning, novice baking and cooking..

I could add another 100 labels of what defines me as a person- but this is about exploring my heart -my passions. Each day I will reflect on how and where I spent my time.  It is an attempt to plan (remember control freak) my next chapter.  One thing I am already finding is chapters can be as long or as short as I choose!

My gap year, if it lasts a full year, is about deciding how to spend the most precise commidity- time.  Time is tricky- we never really know how much we have or how much time those we love have left.

so until tomorrow-


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